An amazing person. Very responsible, and caring. She gives amazing advices and will help you in your hard times. Sometimes can have mood swings. If she suddenly bursts out, give her some space and time. If you are close to her then console her, or tell her you have her back. Little emotional and sensitive. One the outside, she will be quiet and will do smart talks, but if you get to know her she is crazy and will entertain you. Always will stand up for her loved ones. Has amazing leadership skills! Will give her shoulder for you to cry on. Is an/ Will be an amazing mother. If you have a Kalpna, then you will treasure her cause she is an *ASSET*.
girl: Wow that girl is so generous!
girl2: Surely a *kalpna*...

Random: She gives amazing advices and will always have your back when you need someone!
Random2: She's probably *kalpna*!
by jas.jas January 13, 2022
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