The best people are born on this day. If you are born on this day you will grow up to be a legend. No one dislikes people born on this day because they make everyone smile and laugh. People born on this day are almost never sad.
Mark is such a g! He was definitely born on June The 9th!
by Kerseal March 2, 2020
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The best people are born on this day. People born on this day grow up to be Legends. No one hates them and people born on this day make people laugh a lot.
Mark is such a g! He was definitely born on June The 9th!
by Kerseal March 2, 2020
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National sex day. Hence the numerical date- 6/9. Have lots of sex on this day whether it's 69ing or otherwise.
Person 1: When's your girlfriend's birthday?
Person 2: It's June 9th...National Sex Day man!!
Person 1: Lucky!
by 69696969<333 January 26, 2012
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if this is your birthday then you are the best person in the world and mwa mwa ill love you forever idc if dont know you. .3. .3.
amazing person: my birthday is the June 9th
me: marry me. :)
by k0ix May 6, 2021
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National uncensored hentai day aka the best day of the year.
Hey are you excited for June 9th.
Friend: yeah I can't wait for national uncensored hentai day
by -Tokoyami from discord April 21, 2020
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“Why are you reading Smut again?”
“I have an excuse! It’s National Smut Day, June 9th!”
“.... Can I join in on this wonderful occasion?”
“Yes, comrade.”
by Voltage_H4X October 22, 2019
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