To release copious amount of semen during ejaculation onto ones body
"Dude, I totally Jazm'd on Cindy's grill Saturday night, she could barely see!"
by Shawn Sager July 18, 2008
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a stupid fucking 'vfa' she cant even type her name right but she do be needing some fa tho. periodt she can be fonny sumtimes tho ngl ngl i love it here. shes also showing her elephent on call rn which is pretty cool. all the love,15 <3
omg cmere dude, is that a jazm? me or her?
is that sunset lover i hear? jazm put it on didn't she
by i mean May 17, 2020
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The best thing you have ever seen. She’s funny, kind, and weird. Once you see her you will fall in love she’s gorgeous.
Jazmely I love you.
by Love pie May 21, 2018
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Euphemism for the vagina. Origins: From "jazm", a truncated form of the expression "jizm jazm" (see jizm), and where a chasm is a deep geological recess or abyss.
I think he got some jizm jazm in my jazm chasm.
by Jenn F September 8, 2005
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