1. Invaluable is one of the dumbest words in the English language.

Jeb: The paid consultant’s expertise was really invaluable.
Tina: Oh really? That’s a bummer, I thought they would be helpful.
Jeb: Oh they were! Super great, really helpful for our business.
Tina: Oh awesome! So they were valuable?
Jeb: No, they were invaluable.
by ZmanIsTheMan3 July 17, 2021
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1 Beyond calculable or appraisable value, of extreme and undefinable worth

2 Priceless

3 Having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth
1 You are so invaluable that we wouldn't be able to run this company without you.

2 An invaluable comic book collection.

3 I couldn't ever sell my car, I've done so much to it that it's become invaluable to me.
by Sweigstock May 22, 2008
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