The most awesome food in all of existance. Comes from India, which is awesomeness compacted into a country. Food there is made with innumerable delicious spices and is incredibly tasty and wonderfully aromatic. Secret ingredients routinely include liquid amazingness and powdered incredibleness, with a garnish of leaves from the fantastic plant.
Cannot be made properly (even a fraction as good as real Indian food) outside India, because of the lack of sheer awesomeness.
Cannot be made properly (even a fraction as good as real Indian food) outside India, because of the lack of sheer awesomeness.
> Chuck Norris learnt how to Roundhouse kick only after eating Indian food.
> Barrack Obama powered his campaign with Indian food.
> Jesus Christ learnt how to perform miracles after eating Indian food.
> Barrack Obama powered his campaign with Indian food.
> Jesus Christ learnt how to perform miracles after eating Indian food.
by The Thing That Shouldn't Be March 15, 2009
When you tuck your erect penis between your legs and make it poke out just below your b-hole, the girl (or guy) sucks your dick while the partner's nose is suffocated in your b-hole. This way, she's tasting something good but smells like shit. Wa-la. Indian food.
by Alex Yarbrough December 19, 2007
by Dewy5785 October 29, 2007
The most disgusting shit you can eat on the streets of India. It's filled with salmonella and fuck knows what.
by Real wigger boy July 2, 2024
by Whitehotgwap August 28, 2023