Derived from the word immigrant. It’s a commonly used word that expresses friendship and unity between fellow immigrants. If you’re not an immigrant you shouldn’t address actual immigrants with immiga in your sentence. It's a word that also breaks racial barriers between immigrants from different countries. One immigrant from Europe can exchange in this word with someone from the Middle East. Both can relate to the same issues of immigrating and or commonalities between their cultures.

"Immigas perfer coca cola over pepsi. It's an immiga thing."

"Immigas love football (not soccer) more than anything. It's an immiga thing."

"Immigas go clubbin' and dance all night to trance. It's an immiga thing."
by Mattrix June 23, 2006
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Derived from the word immigrant. It’s a commonly used word that expresses friendship and unity between fellow immigrants. If you’re not an immigrant you shouldn’t address actual immigrants with immiga in your sentence. It's a word that also breaks racial barriers between immigrants from different countries. One immigrant from Europe can exchange in this word with someone from the Middle East. Both can relate to the same issues of immigrating and or commonalities between their cultures.

"Immigas perfer coca cola over pepsi. It's an immiga thing."

"Immigas love football (not soccer) more than anything. It's an immiga thing."

"Immigas go clubbin' and dance all night to trance. It's an immiga thing."
by Mattrix June 24, 2006
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