An Information Technology person, oblivious to the problem they themselves created who sends nasty aggressive directives in notes or messages ALL IN CAPS WITH REPEATED WORDS & EXCLAMAITON POINTS to others trying to help them fix the problem they created. Often in BOLD and in COLOR!!
Did you read the note from that user this morning who hung up the system that said NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER CANCEL MY JOB / PROGRAM!!! F*ckin' I/T Punk.
by DRNEMdr nem May 11, 2017
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Ian Thorpe Sex Pest
Usually found lurking around the South East Essex region,
Young ladies be aware of the 106 gti, be warned off this sexual predator!
He is like an I T S P
by Florence23 April 8, 2008
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In The Bin Time
a phrase used when someone has said or done something seedy and it is time to put them in the bin or pay out on them
Person:" mmm that 80 year olds a milf"
Person 2: "shutup. its ITB TIme for you now"
by eric April 3, 2005
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Some one who if they can't have something destroys it rather than letting some one else have it. From the to common habit of some I.T. people of destroying decommissioned equipment, instead of putting it in recycle. A update of a dog in a manger.
What's the difference between an I. T. guy in a manger and a dog? The dog eventually leaves , and the other animals get use of the manger, the I.T. guy pisses and shits in it so on one can use it.
by yorkystomper April 14, 2013
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Means Big In The Pants. Someone who has a big shwanker and ain't afraid to prove it!
Joey: Did you really just do that?
Adam: Yeah because im B I T P BITCH!
Joey: Ohhhh SNAP!
by iplaydrums August 16, 2007
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What is a......Bitch
B= Beautiful
I= Individual
T= That
C= Causes
H= HardOns
by Tara March 18, 2005
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