Huseyn is a the absolute bro , he is there for u when ever u need him. He trys his best and let's the boys have their fun but is always quick to get to business . He is a blooda for real and is proud to be one.
Huseyn is a blooda
by Bloodas12345678910 October 18, 2019
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Huseyn the most powerful and knowleadgeable
by Huseyn30\ February 16, 2022
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A dude that has an excellent potential in studies but he is tired and bored so he does not write anything during the test. In other words he is stupid, bashi var amma ishletmir
Riyad: Huseyn, how are you ?
Huseyn: I am stupid...
by iuwfoihrufio1i June 16, 2022
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