A Human On Earth, or HOE- which is a lady of low character, self-respect, morals and religion..etc, anything else defaming to what a woman should be, whom you may associate with. Therefor-- Hossociate.
man,my Hossociate is acting up.
by Dub Ace Deucesq January 15, 2011
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A Human On Earth, or HOE- which is a lady of low character, self-respect, morals and religion..etc, anything else defaming to what a woman should be, whom you may associate with. Therefor-- Hossociate.
"(Ben)- man my Hossociate is trippin.

(Carl)- boy, what a Hossociate?

(Ben)- oh, just a hoe who you may associate with. I made life easier by combining the word for homies all over the place"
by Dub Ace Deuces January 15, 2011
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