Horbury - Chav central in between Ossett and Wakefield
Is known for its spectacularly shit high school and close proximity to lupset estate, where upon entrance you can guarantee picking up an STI.
you cant enter the local supermarket without being asked by a 12 year old girl if you'll go buy her some fags/lighter/weed...

scenario - outside Horbury co-op

chav- "do any of yeh shmoooke?"
random person - "no, sorry."
chav - "va wot dik'ed?!?!"
random person - "excuse me?"
chav - "fuck off then, fukin moshaaaaaaa! fukin..fukin get a weshhh ..."
random person - "um..." *backs away*
chav - *attacks*

by Alexxiiii September 1, 2007
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