1) H-iphop I-nfluenced P-roductions S-timulating T-he E-arth P-eople.

2) A term respectfully pioneered and used in new york city for hiphop/drum n bass productions circa 1994 formerly know as "Jungle Hop"
that dj spins a hipstep style in his sets
by icue January 16, 2004
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A hipster is someone who does things that aren't mainstream. However, there are some people who do things that aren't necessarily mainstream, but they are not hipsters because the thing that they are doing isn't different enough from the mainstream. These people are hipsteps. Which is a step down from being a hipster, but it still gives the person some credit for not doing something completely mainstream.
Man 1: "Man, it just doesn't feel like very many of my friends listen to rock and metal anymore. They all listen to that dubstep and techno music. I feel like such a hipster for still listening to it."

Man 2: "Well, rock isn't as popular as it used to be, but there are still a lot of people who listen to it. So you can't be a hipster. You're more of a hipstep."
by visor97 December 28, 2011
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