When a male inserts his penis into the little hole of a hat where you can adjust the tightness of the hat.
Jack: "Man, my dick really hurts from lastnight..."
Jeff: "From what now?"
Jack: "I hat fucked my flatbrim hat because my wife wasn't in the mood."
Jeff: "From what now?"
Jack: "I hat fucked my flatbrim hat because my wife wasn't in the mood."
by BlackLaceThong May 31, 2016
A person who exceeds the limits of douche baggery. Often times used to describe the most hated person in a class or group of people.
by Kidl154 September 10, 2014
One whom is constantly and unnecessarily cruel or "asshole-like" to anyone they so perceive as a potential threat/cock-block to future sexual shenanigans.
Steve: "Hey you know what Adam, fuck you!"
Adam: "What the hell? You're just being a fuck-hat because you don't want me to get in the way of you potentially penetrating my sister!"
Adam: "What the hell? You're just being a fuck-hat because you don't want me to get in the way of you potentially penetrating my sister!"
by CMallinson December 14, 2008
Not a fuck coat, or a fuck shirt, pants, or even shoes, it is infact a fuck hat:
1) you fuck the hat making it a fuck hat.
2) used as a word meaning asshole, dick, basterd, deusch bad, etc.
3) a word usually said when your high and forgotten soon after you sober up.
1) you fuck the hat making it a fuck hat.
2) used as a word meaning asshole, dick, basterd, deusch bad, etc.
3) a word usually said when your high and forgotten soon after you sober up.
1) Wheres my fuck hat?
2) Stop being such a fuck hat.
3) hMmm haha oh yeaaaa hahahaa fuck hat HAHAAHAA.
2) Stop being such a fuck hat.
3) hMmm haha oh yeaaaa hahahaa fuck hat HAHAAHAA.
by pLaYaMaGiC11 May 2, 2005