British equivalent of ejaculate & evacuate, & others. The term is used when one penetrates another & then leaves them.
Ron went out to the bar at 9PM, met a girl, went into her apartment, & made the Ham & Jam after 1 hour of getting behind pleasure.
by MaleHandle February 27, 2020
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means to perform in the act of sex with another person. It can be used when discussing both giving and receiving sex, or the wish to have sex with someone else. Normally a term used when the use of a phrase such as "getting yer hole" may be deemed too crude or offensive, or if the person using the phrase is in ear shot of someone they would not wish to know that they are having/planning on having sex.
It can also be used when trying to inform someone sex has recently been performed.
Example One (when used in a discussion)
Person 1: "Aye, am goin te his the night. Actually canny wait man, its been too long!"
Person 2: "Oh! Ye think you'll be getting yer ham jam the night then?"
Person 1: (winks) "Oh Aye man."
Person 2: (immediantly grins) "Yaaaas."

Example Two (when used to inform)
Person One: (raises eyebrows) "Here, by ra way, ham jam"
Person Two: (laughs out loud) "Yaaaaas!"
by Paggington September 29, 2011
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v. To get Hammered and then to attend a Jam (Party)

Can be shorted to HJ.
1. Adam "Yo brah what are you sayin this weekend?"

Carl "Not too much probably just the usual Ham n Jam."

2. Sarah "Hey you down for a Ham n Jam?"

Max "Im always down for a HJ"
by asdkaidland May 21, 2010
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That feeling when the beat drops.
Person A: The beats about to drop!
Person B: Oh honey ham my jam!
by Smoshyrocker February 19, 2015
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