School of Electrical Engineering which has no future... same goes for those poor souls which were baited to study here.

Yep "baited" this school is just a fucking bait...

1. We will teach you how to program - nah they won't because there is one Oblivion NPC called Vojtech A.K.A "plešúň" that has no fucking soul and students are just mere tools for him...

2. There are girls - There are like 10 of them most of them are more manly than goblins from first grade that wear League of Legends merch....

3. Slogan "The right place for your future" - If you trust this shit just fucking end your suffering or just become a heavy drinker...

But if you think about graduating from this school, prepare for depression and suicidal thoughts and the future of drug distributor.

by Standos divočákos January 16, 2022
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An electrical engineering school that has no future.... same goes for poor souls that were baited to study here...

Yep "baited"... Why ? Because this school ist one fucking BAIT !!!

1. "We will teach you how to program" - Nah they won't because there is one Oblivion NPC called "Vojto / plešúň" that has no fucking soul and students are just mere tool for him... Legends say he was "oranžový" when he had hair..

2. "There are girls as well" - I mean there are like 10 girls and most of them are more manly than most of those little goblins (first graders) that wear fucking Fortnite and League of Legends merch and then they cry why is everyone bullying them... Neviem kokot napríklad sa znormalizuj (tell this to them if you see one)

3. "The right place for your future" - Bitch please... if you want future from this school don't even try to find it... If you have weak spirit then consider going to much better place BUT if you have strong spirit just get ready for depression and suicidal thoughts and also for career of drug dealer/distributor after you graduate.

One tip: Don't try to fight with "vrátnička" because she is level 80 rare monster usually called "Queen of dwarves"

But ye if you really want to study here we will WELCOME YOU :)

(nah dnt come here please)
Halova is great school I love it so much !
by Standos divočákos January 16, 2022
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