The sweetest brown girl ever. She always has a wonderful smile on her face and is always happy, energized. She is always positive but is very sensitive about things on the inside. She is a powerful and brave strong girl that no one can stop her from anything. She is good looking, cute, and has a fine as hell ass. Anyone that is in her friend circle is lucky to have her in her life. She cares for others but has a very small friend circle with only the true ones she cares about. But most likely she only has about 2 real friends that she actually truly would die for. She is a badass in general and can fck anyone up who messes with her or is in her way. She is an empowering human being that will not stop until her friends are happy and everyone else is happy and joyful.

Gurmeen Means:

Gur - God's
Meen - Light
Girl 1: I've noticed whenever Gurmeen is around us we're always having a good time and are always happy.

Girl 2: I know right, she's like a light in my life!
by imma_imma_brown_ girl_ b January 20, 2020
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