A beach chair hugging, TV for a monitor loving, level one difficult reinhardt main that pretends to be at grand-master when he's most likely boosted by his Zarya. This elusive "GeneticGamer" can only be found once in a blue moon playing Reinhardt after he's listened to a gay ass DragonBallz Super soundtrack for atleast 2 hours, so you can expect him to shit as Roadhog for about 2 weeks prior. The most common interaction you will have whilst playing with this thing is him charging in whilst begging his Zarya for a bubble. If the animal doesn't receive his bubble he will proceed to throw the game and leave voice chat faster than he can solo ult a tracer. Don't try to discord chat this thing since it will just sound like an anorexic asthmatic starving Indian child staring at a delicious bowl of curry while breathing into your ear.
"This is IT GeneticGamer how may I help you?"
by ChairmanTheZarya February 14, 2018
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