Gangstawhitis is a rare syndrome in which a white person from the suburbs truly believes he is a G from the hood. Its is believed that this is caused by a genetic anomaly, in which a G chromosome is added to the X and Y chromosomes during conception. For a male, the genetic makeup consists of XY-G. For a female, the genetic makeup consists of XX-G.

Scientists are still uncertain about the causes behind the anomaly. Some believe it is caused by an overdose of Jerry Springer and bonbons while the fetus is developing in the womb.

Other scientists feel it is caused when the developing fetus comes into close contact with too many large gold-plated chains, in combination with too much twerking by the pregnant mother.

Other symptoms of Gangstawhitis include:
Calling him/herself a "pretty mother fucker".
Thinking he has stacks of cash, when he's only holding $16 plus change.
Often seen pimping a white fedora, or a flatbill cocked to the side.
Typically wears long blonde hair in a ponytail fashion.
Automatically sticks out tongue when being photographed; it baffles scientists that a camera triggers the immediate tongue action.
Throws gang signs that hold absolutely no meaning.

Currently, no cures have been developed for this disease. Some have been able to receive therapy through intense suburban treatment centers in Kansas and Oklahoma. One center forces subjects to listen to country music for 48 hours straight.
"Dude, did you see Travis last night? He has a severe case of Gangstawhitis!"

"Hey Chris, I think we need to get Travis some help for his Gangstawhitis disorder."
by hotmessjess November 23, 2013
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