A condition of disdain, distaste, displeasure and sometimes pure, unadulterated loathing to and for a Gunpla group called GRekO and its members, the latter of which were mass ejected from several other mediocre Gunpla groups simply for being members (even if they are inactive or otherwise disengaged) by overzealous, superpowered #AdminicusPolicicarpiuses, #RodiNumbs and #DenMaders who have nothing better to do than hunt down these intrepid individuals, just for stating facts and unpopular opinions Gunpla- and Gundam-related.

Some of these people have either been former GRekO members, or have joined later on, but have otherwise left for being unable to accept aforementioned facts and unpopular opinions so they backlash by having other admins eject these GRekO members from their respective groups (to sometimes undesirable results, since those other admins aren't idiots like they are. They tag GRekO and its members as toxic, but they themselves, without realizing it, become more toxic than the people they deem as such, with their campaign to malign GRekO members.
Your GRekOPhobia is getting worse. Daph Rundglen wasn't even doing anything wrong, yet you banned him.
by TheLingeringSaint January 10, 2022
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