A measure of Alcohol said to be similar to a Scottish swally but much more manly than the English half'n. Often the use of the word Glugg is an indication of an upcoming social event (like any Saturday).
Mr Pollard noticed the time was approaching 5 pm and was heard to announce... GLUGG GLUGG GLUGG!
by Dictionary Dave 123 April 28, 2019
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A glugg glugg is a fat korean-fish alike induvidual. Another Word for Glugg Glugg is Heung Min Hoe. A Glugg Glugg has unparrarel tits, where the one is bigger than the other. That musty ol` pussy smells like nigger cock of steven. The little jew named aksel has been swiming in that ocean lately.
That Glugg Glugg has no life, nor friends.
by Ponzur December 6, 2022
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He is very tal and has a very big penis that he slaps on your face so you get knocked out
glugge has a big pp

glugge is big

glugge shits on the toillet
by Bäckan September 13, 2022
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