another word for calling someone “ cute “ or “ good looking “ may be disrespectful to others in a relationship so be careful !!
by urban legendss 21 January 23, 2022
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1. Something very lame, probably not Brazilian.

(of something intended to be entertaining) uninspiring and dull.
2. An insult used to describe something that is lacking spunk.
See also:
This place is fye, let's go somewhere else. I wish my husband wasn't so fye.
by Jay MF Bash April 23, 2022
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Fye is how the younger generation refers to something as cool. Its often used when talking about music. Its a new slang.
Bruh dat shit was fye man. Play that shit again dawg.
by Wild 11 Child July 19, 2018
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I lost everything I owned and was homeless for fourteen months. Yet, I worked my face off and am I now an IT Business Analyst. Fye!
by ITBizArchitectJN January 28, 2019
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fine cute when you see someone attractive or just hot af, you'll call em fye
oooou jared, that blonde over there with the tig ol biddies, supa fye
by jwebb87 June 3, 2019
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The god of cool, cooler then even the mighty fye fye
Wow that gutair is Fye Fye Fye, it like its own ice planet!
by TheSniveLife January 14, 2020
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