(n.) The weekday following Thursty (or Thirsty) Thursday, also preceded by Wasted Wednesday, Tipsy Tuesday, Messed-up Monday, Sloshed Sunday, and Shitfaced Saturday; also, the true beginning of the typical weekend alcohol/drug binge, most popular amongst the college student population
by greenteajunkie February 15, 2010
kat:u ready for fucked up friday!?!?!?!?!?!:D
mom:helll yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kat:can i have money for tht now?
mom:um no buy ur own shit and my shit
mom:helll yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kat:can i have money for tht now?
mom:um no buy ur own shit and my shit
by kat252;] August 8, 2011
by Aleixa May 6, 2022