by Jjjgoh November 18, 2016
Mom: it’s time for dinner you little hoe
Nine-year-old: I’m frickin not gonna go to frickin dinner you frickin fricks
Nine-year-old: I’m frickin not gonna go to frickin dinner you frickin fricks
by Your lil Fran Timmy July 29, 2019
Someone who's fantasies can never be quenched, and also doesn't understand that their actions have consequences.
by AaronP2019 November 2, 2020
by Goat of the government October 10, 2019
"You frickin' fricks" is a phrase often used bye children to seem intimidated but fail. One of the most famous examples is that of Sammyclassicsonicfan.
by HysDomLeg May 14, 2016
when your being a frickin frick
by ilovetaylorswift1997 August 1, 2024