A woman usually in her late forties who has totally let her self go and doesn't care.

They are usually very overwait, very ugly, wear scruffy frumpy clothing and have very poor hygiene standards.

They generally live alone usually on a run down council estate, most are to lazy to work so they live off benefits, which is spent on beer, cigarettes and unhealthy takeaways.
Woman 1: "OMG, you'll never guess who I bumped into at the chippy."

Woman 2: "Who?"

Woman 1: "That Sally that used to go to the over forties club, I havnt seen her for years, I hardly recognised her, she's really let herself go, she's put on loads weight and her hair hadn't been washed for weeks she looks like a right Flumpette these days."

Woman 2: Oh I remember her, She's known down the estate as "Stinky Sally"
by hteb78 August 9, 2023
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