The extreamly over priced clothing store for gay men who think they are straight, and for girls who when shop at places like target are a small, start shopping at Abercrombie and Fitch earlier suffered from a stage of bulimia before fitting into their medium-large. The way to tell if a shirt is from Ambercrombie is that it will have the store name sprawled across the front of the tee shirt, and how to tell with jeans is that the people wearing them are affraid to bend over in fear of the butt ripping open.
Maddie: Hey did you see Karina in that Ambercrombie shirt?

Jessica: Yeah! And i saw here throwing up in the girls bathroom like last week!

Maddie: Omg? Was the flu going around?

Jessica: Lets just say her finger was exploring...

Maddie: Ohhh, i gotcha!

Jessica: Yeah and i think she got a pair of jeans too cause when she went to reach for her pencil she dropped in the hall on the way to 3rd period her pants split right open!

Maddie: Thats why she was wearing gym shorts!

Jessica: I hate Fagracrombie and Bitch!
by J-All October 22, 2009
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