Free to play by the way.
When a person got lucky with their Gacha/lottery in a mobile or PC game, that has an in app/in game purchase system for the in game currency that used for pulling/rolling the Gacha/lottery, without spending real life currency on the game, but the person want to brag/flex about how lucky he/she is, by saying F2P BTW .
Your friend that just started playing fgo: Yo I just saw a japanese ginger on rate up yesterday, so I try rolling for him with my first 30 SQ!
You: Yea hes really broken with AOE art spaming NP, you can destroy any challenging quests with him. I whaled for him around 4600 SQ yesterday and didn't get any, and now I am broke.
The friend: Oh really? I just got him NP5 in a single 10 roll, and didn't know hes that good! F2P BTW!
by Broke azz Whale January 4, 2021
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Standard traditional phrase for gacha players. You'll get a pass if you are a whale.
Look i just rolled diluc at my first wish today f2p btw
by dongcollector November 25, 2020
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