Ontological Extramaterialism is a philosophical worldview that extraphysical and extramatter are the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of extramatter and extraphysical phenomena. Ontological Extramaterialism also holds that extraphysical mechanics and extraphysics can explain all reality and everything inside reality such as matter and physics are actually part of extramatter and extraphysics.
“Ontological Extramaterialism is a really common philosophical worldview among several spiritual groups that actually support the ideas of extraphysicalism, extramaterialism and extranaturalism.”
by Full Monteirism June 5, 2021
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Extramaterialism is a form of extraphysicalism that the extramaterial and the extramatter are the fundamental substances of nature and existence, and that the matter and the material are byproducts of the extramaterial, such as all things, including mental states, consciousness, spirit, soul, emotions, spiritual experiences, physics, chemistry and biology are result of the extramaterial conditions and their interactions with their interaction and dialectics with material conditions. According to philosophical extramaterialism, mind, consciousness, souls, spirits and all material things are by-products or result of extraphysical and extramaterial processes, without which they cannot exist or cannot be complete. Extramaterialism is closely related to extraphysicalism, the view that all that exist are extraphysical and where everything that is physical is connected and related to the extraphysical. Extramaterialism also supports extraphysical theory and extraphysical mechanics play an important role at explaining the extramaterial and the extraphysical.
"Extraphysicalism and extramaterialism can give an amazing alternative outlook of reality and of existence as well, they might be really good at encourage people to become extraphysical and understand that life and existence is more than matter and what we can see, and even might be really good for encourage studies related to extraphysical mechanics and extraphysical theory as well."
by Full Monteirism April 7, 2021
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