
1 —Abbreviation for Extremely Not

2 —used as a function word to make extremely negative a group of words or a word

3 —used as a function word to stand for the negative of a preceding group of words <is sometimes hard to see and sometimes not>

W: Two Princes is not a gay song.
S: Yes it is!

by Doc. Meat March 31, 2009
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Officer 1: A suicide enote was found posted on his Facebook Wall thirteen hours before his body was found.
Officer 2: Can't wait 'til his death appears on his Facebook Timeline. AM I RIIIGHT?
Officer 1 & 2: Hahaha!
by Neu Flo October 19, 2011
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Noun. A slutty raccoon that also possesses the ability to fly. Used as an insult toward someone undesirable.
Ugh, have you talked to Jacquelyn today? She's been such an enot sut!
by Okay_Computer May 4, 2009
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A slugcat that is unlocked in Rain World's Downpour DLC through a series of puzzles. Has the hardest campaign in the game, which is something, considering the game already is insanely hard. Also called:
and Gorbo
Has a dating sim.
A: How in the actual FUCK am I meant to beat Enot's campaign?
B: I don't think you can, to be honest.
by DartP July 19, 2024
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