a girl who s my wife. she is a babe. and the bestfriend anyone could have. you can totally trust an Emillee with your life. she can be a little clueless at times, most of the time, but she always has your back(: she's hilarious.
Teacher: Emillee! 2 + 2=?
Emillee: What class is this?
Teacher: It's Math!
Emillee: Oh, Doyoyoyoy.(:
by RamboAndRocky65 July 12, 2011
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A bitch who is hella thick got that fat ass. Loves her self some Jesus cock. Loves do nows. Her dads dead. But she will call you daddy. So go fuck her but make sure to bring your bible
emillee rose likes kittys
by Mia khalifia May 22, 2019
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