Elna is someone who is fun and crazy about life. Her name is derived from "Helen" (as in Helen of Troy) it means "ray of light". She is honest, wise and extremely beautiful inside and out.
She does not have a poker face-if she wins a game of poker it was luck.

She is very friendly but slow to trust. Her close friends are very lucky people because she will always be there for them. She's a bit insecure about men-she's confident and all-but very unsure about herself. It's partly due to her internal battle between what she sees as good and evil. She may be religous and she may not be but she's constantly searching for peace with her beliefs and theology. Her name is "ray of light" for a reason. She has a god-given need to be an example of what is good and pure. The best way to help her is to genuinly remind her of how much you love her.

She loves flowers. She loves Choclate. (So if it's Valentines Day and you're that guy Elna's been chatting with lately, don't be afraid to be cheesy and typical)

Once she disovers a deep truth she longs to share it with others. She wants to help other people all the time because that gives her the most satisfaction.

Lastly she likes haveing a unique name. She wants to feel irraplaceable by her friends,family and her one true love
That Elna, she's one of a kind.

There's no one ele like Elna.
by sherogirl74LNE December 5, 2010
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Elnas have verrryyyyy long chinny chin chins
Mhhh is that Elna?
Yeah look at that chin mhmm
by Bacon cakes December 27, 2018
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A proclaimed Sigma male that says they have all the traits to be what a Sigma male is while ignoring the fact that they are the complete opposite of a proper Sigma male.
George: I don't need women in my life, i can take care of myself with

my own knowledge and power.

Jacob: You said you can't live without your girlfriend.

George: Umm... of course, I obviously need her to train myself in becoming a proper Sigma male.

Jacob: Dude you ain't no Sigma male, you're just being an Elnas rn.
by BrickedUpSigbin May 13, 2023
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