Edward Elgar

Edward Elgar (Full name is Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet) (1857-1934). Was an English composer who become incredibly popular and some of his works became some of the most well known classical repertoire to date. One of his most notable piece was his Cello Concerto, his only ever cello concerto. This piece was special as it was his last notable piece since at this point in time, his music has grown old and out of date. This piece was made right after WWI and unlike his violin concerto which was bright and lyrical. This piece was depressing and emotional. However, during its premiere. It was surprisingly unpopular. That was until Jacqueline Du Pré performed this piece with the London Symphony Orchestra which made it incredibly popular and brought it up the ranks and making it a notable piece in solo cello repertoire.
Yo do you fuck with Edward Elgar?

Who? (Said by a person who does not fuck with Edward Elgar)
by RamenNoodlesss January 3, 2024
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