a hella ghetto word made up by han j that basically can be used in lots of situations if used properly. its kind of like a movement. common uses tend to mean: trippin, beast, get on that, tap that, beezin, hella good, sick, etc.
"She is having such a good game"
"I know, shes hella drinnin!"

"omg, hes helllla fiiine. Im gonna drin on that shit"

"you gotta drin to win"

"bitch please, dont be drinnin, that boy is mine"
by hannahyeee October 21, 2009
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NYC Yiddish: In the middle of everything. A statement that has nothing to do with the subject at you're talking about.
mitten drinnin Trump talk about how smart he is?
by Murray Haldanish October 9, 2019
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