Its crap, like all these other sub genre's. It sounds like a fucked diesel engine from an early 1980's Peugeot 205 but will sell out in the kLuBZ and make for some really good festival fodder.

Reminiscent of a scratched CD with essence of luke warm piss stained pair of chinos. A ridiculous noise that will no doubt end up in your MPshit collection at some point.

Step in that shit cross steppers.

DogShit step
Current Value, Donny, Lucio de Rimanez, Limewax and many more. - Proper Dogshit step
by Malcom shiddyarse April 8, 2012
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"I feel like dogshit that's been stepped in twice"
"And you look like it, too... did you take some aspirin?"
by BUBBLES! April 9, 2008
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