Dodosi Corporation is a powerful corporation run by the Dodosian, A powerful supreme alien that can kill you and make you shitting in the bath, room.

Dodosi corporation has different robot workers and guards, there are also kreatures trapped in cages. you can buy them as pets but the Dodosi Corporation is not responsible for any deaths caused by kreatures. Dodosi corporation makes a lot of stuff. They also put your dad in a cage, that's why he disappeared. 😭

List Of Aliens You Can Buy From Dodosi Corporation :

Flyers (trained to hunt) - $4999

Shwarvers (aggresive and hostile) - $4500

Lightbugs - $3500

Fire Rat (tamed) - $1599

Trypos - $500

Guices - $370

Red Worms (infant) - $130.99

Bogeey Pet Robot - $99.99
Dodosi Corporation is from the FCM Series made by OpposingFork.
by god of shitting September 10, 2022
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