The best high school band in Tennessee. Full of the littest people da world have ever seen. The band kids know how to "you see that fence? Go touch it!" And love danky kang. Includes dank memists and some smarticle particles. Don't forget about dat potato clan. You don't know what that means? Oh ok it's fine I'm fine...
Have you seen the Dobyns-Bennett Band! They're so much better than the football team!
by HmmHmmItsDaPotato February 15, 2017
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A amazing family that loves and cares for each other and usually has at least one crazy person of them but they love each other and try to stay together and put family before anything.
The dobyns family is so sweet.
by Lovelivelaugh. April 12, 2022
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A woman that pants like a dog (taken from a Doberman) when doing anal.
by Truthspeaker093111 April 7, 2016
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