When a guy is coming down on Molly and gives the closest animal to him quick hand job.
Man last night was crazy but this morning I watched Bruce’s dog receive a Dirty Tyler!!
by Jermdawerm November 21, 2017
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The act of shitting in a females vagina, and throwing up in it, then eating it all out. then throw it back up on her back, and rub your balls around in it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then when you complete this process, go back to your house and stick a needle in your peehole and a carrot in your butthole and do the stanky leg for approximately 12 mintues. To top it all off you stick your dick in a meat grinder. its a habit usually found in baseball players from fishersville virginia.
Yoooo i gave this bitch the Dirty Tyler Knight last night!
by BryanBattaglia June 19, 2009
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