Meaning: Dad I’d - Like - Flip A Condom To.
Usually mentioned by a “Becky”, or a young “Karen” trying to muscle in on a man to stalk him for the sheer dramatic sport and rivalry it causes amongst many abandonment issue suffering quasi-demotable females.

Karen: “Ooooohoooo, she is some fierce on that DILFACT; hope she’s got some motherf**king insurance policies down for that Silverado Quarterback-it-up! salt n’ pep n’ hero to this here Breakfast of Champions on it’s way to get a little more than a pinch cause I must be dreaming if she gears down, instead of up on that steed of a... *church elderly pass* ...vacation into my Apple Watch screen, and look! I am closing circles just running my mouth and Kegelling over this plaid sultan! Count down is on Becky!”
by Lex.Icon February 20, 2021
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