The kind of person that likes to tan in a booth are spray it out of a can.
The kind person that goes to clubs and brings home a different girl every night.
The kind of person that lifts their shirt up so they show their abs.
The kind of people that are constantly chuckin up deuces.
Anybody who remotely imitates anything people on Jersey Shore do.
Going to Pure teen club.
-Look at Nick over there, dancing with some trashy chick. Hes probably gonna contract herpes by looking at her.
-I know he looks like a damn faggot
by fartbox3333 July 15, 2011
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Someone who is an extreme asshole or idiotic. Doesn't necessarily refer to Gay people.
Tyler Perry is GOD DAMN FUCKING FAGGOT! His movies are complete rip offs of Big Momma's House and The Naughty Professor.
by F1MacbookPhone November 11, 2017
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