by penislovekkajdjdjd June 28, 2023
A Vancouver-based punk band.
Thought by many to be the founders of hardcore punk along with bands like Minor Threat and the Teen Idles. Formed in 1978 and are still playing.
Their motto is "Talk minus Action equals Zero".
The band has been active on many issues, including Anti-racism, anti-globalization, freedom of speech, and the environment.
Thought by many to be the founders of hardcore punk along with bands like Minor Threat and the Teen Idles. Formed in 1978 and are still playing.
Their motto is "Talk minus Action equals Zero".
The band has been active on many issues, including Anti-racism, anti-globalization, freedom of speech, and the environment.
Something Better Change
Hardcore '81
War on 45 EP
Last Scream of the Missing Neighbors
13 Flavours of Doom
Win The Battle
Talk - Action = 0
Plus other rare shit!
D.O.A. are really overlooked.
Hardcore '81
War on 45 EP
Last Scream of the Missing Neighbors
13 Flavours of Doom
Win The Battle
Talk - Action = 0
Plus other rare shit!
D.O.A. are really overlooked.
by mymothersaystogetajob January 6, 2012
Stands for:
invented by world famous rapper Jay-Z in reference to his hate of computer generated voices used by modern day singers to enhance there vocal performance
invented by world famous rapper Jay-Z in reference to his hate of computer generated voices used by modern day singers to enhance there vocal performance
-Miley Cyrus uses autotune in all of her "songs"
-"this is anti-autotune death of the ringtone" -from Jay-Z's song D.O.A.
-"this is anti-autotune death of the ringtone" -from Jay-Z's song D.O.A.
by BigPimppin'97 February 12, 2010
by Bloody trap July 15, 2023