1 - Objecto de plástico ou papel com uma figura ilustrada, normalmente utilizado para fins de colecçção;

2 - Alguém que percebe muito de um assunto específico;

3 - Alguém que não aparenta ter comportamentos normais, mas sim parvos.
1 - Tenho esse cromo na minha caderneta.

2 - Esse gajo é um cromo dos computadores.

3 - Olha-me para esse cromo a usar meias com sandálias.
by BVNDIDV May 23, 2014
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Being stoned, drunk, crazy, wild, unpredictable or generally down for a good time at any time. Good times. Originated by Brock Damien McGinnis of Ormond by the Sea Florida.
"Man I'm stoned to the chromosomes, x and y."
"Wutsup cromoman?" "Cromosapien, what's happening?" "Gettin' cromo!"
by Mike Patrick Kowall October 20, 2008
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A Person who´s not only of white complection, but is also a homosexual.

The racial slur "Craker" Makes up the Cr". The sexual orientation of homosexual makes up the "omo" (which is part of homo which is Homosexual in short).

One has to be both a cracka' and a homosexual to become a cromo.

Cromo is also the opposite of Mexirican
Andrew is a Cromo.

Person 1: You´re dumb
Person 2: Shut up you Mexirican
Person 1: You fucking Cromo.
by Diosito July 13, 2006
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There were a lot of cromos in that gay strip club.
by Glen Asaro September 1, 2007
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