The sound four legged animals make when shuffling all paws hard on paved floors. Specifically, when dogs prance around on tile or wooded floors and you hear that scritchily scratch scratch prance dance sound. They are coluffigating using their pawsie paws claw claws to do a little noisy dance-dancearooski.

Pronounced co-luff-eh-gate.

If the front or back legs are only moving then the animal is luffigating. To use all 4 legs is to coluffigate.
“What is that scratchy sound?”

“Oh. That’s just the dog coluffigating by the back door. He might have to go out.”

“Santa is here. The reindeer are collufigating about on the rooftop leaving lots of hoof prints.”

To move or prance about on hard paved floors while causing sound is to coluffigate.
by pikearooski November 21, 2021
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