Seems to have a major ego, but is nice to most people...
I'm not mean to people, i just show other people what they are really like
by Supreme June 2, 2003
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A man who flirts insincerely.
Kiko: Look at that coko over there, scamming all those girls!
J.C.: Uh hur hur hur! We need to get you a nice redhead; you know, th-
Kiko: Silence!
by Kiko April 26, 2004
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When you are bat shit crazy, crazy for cocoa puffs. Cuckoo, mentally deranged, unbalanced, mental, looney, doolally, unhinged, batty, wacko.

Co:2723 K:146.08 O: -361 Pu: 1180 F+F=-726
Total melting point 2962.08

Total melt down
Adjective: Carisa is fucking CoKo puff, she tried to stick a mailbox up here rump.

A situation: Holly CoKo puffs!!!!!
by hugandkiss2424 February 2, 2022
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