A label , group or belonging to of young hot schedule A drug users that also prostitute to support their addiction . You may have seen a hot young girl before prostituting on the street and often wondered why she is doing it . It is because they get hooked on crack or a similar schedule A drug and get caught up in a vicious cycle that is extremely hard to get out of . Usually ending in tragedy.
And they say Angel is

in the Class A Team ,

She is Stuck in her daydream and

Been this way since she was eighteen .

Joe "Hey Angel is so sexy hot, I want to do her so bad"

Frank " good news Joe , you are in luck . just buy her , she is part of the Class A team "
by EarlF August 29, 2013
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Term to refer to people who use Class A drugs.
She’s in the Class A Team.
by Noooooooooooooope September 30, 2021
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