(n) - Russian Christmas, almost identical to American and European Christmas with the minor exclusion of one or more of the following (depending on the region of Russia):
1. joy
2. goodwill towards men
3. presents
4. sembelance of humanity
5. Chomskamas Trees
"Oh shit I've been slated to go to my Aunt Ivanna's house in Russia for Christmas break. I hope she doesn't make us celebrate Chomskamas."
by Silent Rip December 1, 2004
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(n) - Russian equivalent of Santa Claus, exluding one or more of the following (depending on the region of Russia):
1. cheer
2. jollyness
3. round little belly
4. presents
5. bright colors
"Start a fire, dude!! The Chomskamas Claus is coming to the U.S. this year! Keep that shit burning ALL NIGHT if you know what's good for you! This bastard's totally hardcore!"
by Silent Rip December 1, 2004
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