A story was behind this word. Chleoo was a stray cat who went missing after living in its dangerous home. But then someone picked him up. Kuya EJ took good care of chleoo, he fed him, love him, and give him the love that Chleoo deserves. EJ brought chleoo into the sea back on February 14, 2023, where something weird happened. Chleoo the cat turned into a cute human being after being trapped into a fur being in a cage where everyone judged him, hated him, and hurt him. After all, Chleoo was a human which signifies the affection of a cat for his owner. Chleoo was clingy, moody, and sweet at the same time. After being trapped in a cage, he finally found his genuine owner, Earl.

The world between them is different but the love between them stays. Chleoo's loyalty was only meant for his owner.

Aside from being a cat, he is a humble writer that writes from his expressions, emotions, and experiences. But the affection he feels towards someone made him more aware of what he writes and every word he expresses.
Chleoo has an affection for his owner. And always care for him until he found the person that meant for him hehe.
by randomchleo February 22, 2023
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