Chef Jackie will chop you up with his famous chopsticks chopalight skills. He has starred in many famous movies such as Tom and Jerry starring as Chef Jackie. Chef Jackie is so good at cooking he makes Gordan Ramsay have the biggest wet dreams, Just the thought of Chef Jackie's food will male you drool up a pool
Person 1: Hey should we have dinner?
Person 2: Yeah Chef Jackie will cook and kill
by Jackie Chan Supporter July 17, 2021
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Chef Jackie is god and acted in the hit movies Tom and Jerry & The Spy Next Door! #stanchefjackieourlordandsavior
Person 1: Chef Jackie

Person 2: *Starts Vigorously Praying To Chef Jackie*
by Chef Jackie Supporter July 20, 2021
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Chef Jackie from the hit movies Tom and Jerry & The Spy Next Door
Person 1: Chef Jackie

Person 2: Chef Jackie
by Chef Jackie Supporter July 20, 2021
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