A trustworthy friend, while subsequently being your most annoying friend. You're stuck with her whether you like it or not so deal with it and have fun. Simultaneously calm and chaotic, one of her most lovable traits.
Frank: Chandralekha is a GDMFG for doing that so well.
by AnalyserSupreme January 7, 2022
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Is a very friendly and lovable person. The name literally translates to moon's rays which symbolises beauty. This person always loves being surrounded by their favorite people
by Leela ray November 22, 2021
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An ever confused girl who loves everyone around her. She has no understanding of the worldand ends up getting kicked in the butt sooner or later.
You got ditched again, dude you are such a Chandralekha
by Uselessperson April 4, 2018
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