An anime that takes place inside of the human body, where each character represents a cell. It's mostly about a clumsy red blood cell running after an emo white blood cell who kicks bacteria ass while screaming "Die"

Each episode depicts a different problem inside the human body, and it's funny even though it actually teaches you stuff. tbh this should just replace biology class.
Ever since I watched Cells at Work, I feel sorry every time I injure myself. Imagine how many cute lil blood cells I just killed.
by drzech April 29, 2020
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When you go too school and they ask you " what is 3x*9g/7^r.33333333333333333333" then goes over to your desk and says "HURRY UP LARRY THE ANSWER IS DO AT THE END OF CLASS"
Teacher: " what is 3x*9g/7^r.33333333333333333333"

You: Shut up, my one brain cell is working very hard right now!!!
by greencreeper244 March 20, 2018
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