The catto of the gatto

A raging lesbian who plays gayshit (genshin) and rhythm games all day
Hey, The catto of the gatto! What’s your UID?
by Ammonian February 25, 2022
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catto boi

the greatest game series of all time made by mango-ki
1: you ever heard of catto boi i love the games

2: man i hate the games how do you like that are you crazy

1: You should burn.
by TFNUM1HTR August 5, 2024
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The Catto Of Truth

Literally the biggest dickhead to walk the earth. He will do your mum and then your friends. He may be funny but he is an absolute dickhead
The Catto Of Truth is the worst influence and he doesnt even take his dog for walks
by The Catto Of Gatto February 18, 2022
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Lively Catto

1, A catto who is lively, opposite of ghostly doger.

2, A youtuber who does funny songs for a community inside the fnf fandom called dave and bambi. So far has only done DNB (Dave and bambi) songs
by Lively catto May 18, 2023
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like the birb and the doge, it is the most legendary out of its kind. Catto are cool, cat is not cool. Catto are floof, cat is no floof. Catto is computer master, hampter is stupid guy, he don't know how computer work. Catto is fighter, alligator is looser. Catto.

*everyone within a 500-meter radius drops down on their knees and begs for salvation*
by tera fuffad February 4, 2022
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Catto lardo

A cat made entirely of lard.
That is one hell of a catto lardo, don’t mess with him.
by Screw your morals get a cat. November 29, 2023
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