A young male with an intense sexual drive towards money and fame. He will make up stories to succeed and flex his wealth on weaker opponents.
He is most times very brauny and muscular but lack brains.
Man: Have you seen David today!? He was so full of himself....

Girl: No, he's just acting like Carl-Hugo
by Jehovas witness October 9, 2020
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A hell of a guy, and will also probably fuck you up with his golf club. Carl-Hugo is a sexy beast who everyone thinks is gay but in reality he gets hella bitches.
*guy 1* you heard about that guy Carl-Hugo?
*guy 2* yeah, I heard he fucked that girl Britney last night!
*guy 1* no homo bro but like he’s really sexy.
*guy 2* yeah bro I know.
by VibeChecker420 January 16, 2020
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