A wonderful place located in Southwest Florida, with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico! A mostly white town has many things to do, and explore!
Guy: Hey let's take a vacation this weekend! But where?
Girl: How about..... Cape Coral, FL!
Guy but I looked on kayak.com, and theirs no airport their!
Girl just fly into fort myers! The neighbor town!
Guy OK!
by Thatstupidpilot October 5, 2013
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An up and coming town where 80% of people are retired part-time residents (snowbirds). Everyone is friendly, unless you are a liberal. Even then, the residents are friendly, but they'll definitely tell you that you are wrong.

If you have money, there are endless things to do and places to go. 400+ Miles of canal systems means that if you've got a boat, this place should be right up your alley. If you don't have money, you'll probably get bored pretty quick here. Sucks to be broke, get better at life.
Incel: Cape Coral is boring, there's nothing to do here
Chad: Nah you're just a loser
by imnotarobot February 22, 2021
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